
Showing posts from March, 2020

cyber day 8

The transition from regular school, where we have our teachers right next to us if we have any problems and having traditional tests and classwork to not having any hands on help and everything online has been a big change. I am someone who always needs reassurance if I am doing something right, so not having my teacher there to make sure I'm doing the assignment right has been a struggle for me. I have emailed my teachers for help, but it has never seemed to help. Sometimes the workload can be more then we normally do in school or it just feels like more to me because we are at home, but I know that the teachers are under a lot of stress and they are doing the best the can to keep up with grading and posting assignments every morning. Integrity is something that we all need to maintain doing this time because we should all be treating it like regular school, even though sometimes it can be tempting to cheat. I am hoping that this can come to an end soon, so we can return to school

cyber day 7

The plague that hit Athens during the Peloponnesian War is similar to the Corona Virus that is currently spreading across the world. One reason they are similar is because they are both pandemics. The symptoms of the Athenian plague were  diarrhea , fever, chills and slow heart rate. The symptoms of the Corona Virus include, fever, cough and diffculty breathing. It is believed that the Athenian plague entered Athens through 

cyber day 6

Philip II Philip II was born in 382 BCE and died in 336 BCE in Aegae which is now Vergina, Greece. He was the 18th king of Macedonia from the year 359 to 336 BCE. Philip II restored internal peace to his country and by the year 339 he had gained domination over Greece by military and diplomatic means. He lied the foundations for Greece's expansion under his son Alexander III the Great. Alexander the Great Alexander the Great was born on  July 356 BC, in  Pella, Greece and died on  June 323 BC, in Babylon . He was the King of the Ancient Greek kingdom of Macedonia and a memeber of the Argead Dynasty. Alexander the Great brought the Greeks a new and improved way of fighting and the Persians the Greek way of life. He was undefeated in battle and is considered one of history's most successful military commanders. Darius III Darius III was born in 380 BC and lived until 330 BC. He was originally named Artashata and called Codomannus by the Greeks. Darius III was the last king

cyber day 5

Today we had to research about the relationship between Alexander the Great and Bucephalus. Alexander and Bucephalus were inseparable, Alexander was the only one who could ride him. Bucephalus was brought to Macedonia and given to Alexander's father. Everyone thought that the horse was wild and Alexander's father wanted it to be sent away, but Alexander insisted to keep the him. Alexander went up to the horse and named it Bucephalus. He found out that the horse was afraid of this own shadow, so Alexander turned it away from the sun, he figured out that was the reason he was acting so crazy. Alexander got on the horse and rode it away. I do not have any personal experience with a horse, but my sister used to ride horses. I saw that her and the horse had a close bond and she cared for the horse a lot.

cyber day 4

The first week of cyber week went very well. I have been waking up at a good time, for the most part and getting my work done by around 1 or 2 o'clock every day. Some of the work for other classes can be pretty difficult due to the fact that the teacher is not next to us for a guide and sometimes emailing back and forth can be pretty confusing. I would much rather be in school with my friends learning then having to do it all online, but there is not much we can do about that. I am very thankful that I have great teachers that are trying to make this transition as smooth as possible. I am hoping that we will be able to go back to school this year because I am really enjoying my time at John Carroll and it being cut short by something so devastating is really sad. I hope that as cyber school continues into next week it will keep going well.

cyber day 3

Socrates didn't let others push him around or tell him what to do. He kept to his truths about questioning Athens. Socrates thought for himself, unlike everyone else in Athens. He was the only one who thought that way and he was not able to change the majority of peoples opinions. All of Socrates thoughts were shot down by all Athenians who were in charge of the voting in Athens. Since most of Athens did not agree with Socrates' opinions, he was sentenced to death by drinking poison hemlock (a very gross and terrible way to die).

cyber day 2

Spartans invaded the farmland on Athens and starting burning all their crops, because of Pericles reputation he got the Athenians to stay with their plans to defeat Sparta. Athenians could rely on shipments from overseas and the fleet to survive. Pericles didn't know that the fleet was such a threat to Athens though. One year into the war the Black Plague hit Athens very bad. This disease hurt Athens greatly. Since all of Athens was behind city-walls, the disease spread very fast. The Symptoms of this disease were heats on head and inflammation of the eyes, and when the disease spread to the bowels, there was incontrollable diarrhea. The city was very dirty, smelly and just overall a gross place to be. It was so bad that people stopped caring about religion and laws. The plague ended up killing over a one-third of Athens population (millions of people). Pericles got the Plague, causing him to become very weak. He died from the plague in 429 B.C. After his death many people attem

cyber day 1

Pericles is a statesman who led Athens in their Golden age. He was a politician, a general and a speaker who had great control on Athens. Pericles' main 3 goals for Athens was to strengthen its Democracy, to hold and strengthen the empire, and to make Athens beautiful. A direct democracy is a form of government where citizens rule and not through representatives, the people make the decisions. Pericles ruled using a direct democracy. Male citizens in Athens who served under the assembly established important politics regarding the polis. Direct democracy doesn't include the discrimination between classes, but the actual ability in which a person has. If it is up to Pericles, no one will be discriminated because of the social class they are in. The Delian league was an alliance between Greek city-states that was led by Athens. It was created in case of an revenge attacks from Persia because it strengthened their defense.

western civ day 29

Today in class we talked about how our online classes would work. Mr. Schick explained how he doesn't want to do online facetime calls because some people wouldnt join the call and it would be pointless if only half the class is on. He decided just to post all of our work on veracros. We will have to read textbook pages and answer the questions he get us in a blog by 11:59 that night. He doesn't think giving us 45 minutes of work would be nesscary so he is going to give us so the same amount of work that we usually do during class. The class also talked about the symptoms, effects, and risks of the coronavirus and he told us that to stop the spread we should all try to stay home and not go about our regular days and risk getting others sick.

western civ day 28

 ~ A revolution begun in 490 BC Greece  ~ This changed the world  ~Between Athens and Persian, spread across land and sea that will last over a decade ~This battle changes the course of civilization ~Pheidippides ran from Marathon to Athens to tell the Athenians that the Persians were coming to attack ~The run was abput 26 miles, thats is why the run is called a Marathon today ~Pheidippides quest was for survival ~In the early fifth century BC the Persians were very strong, but then Athens began to gain power, which threatened the Persians ~The Persians knew they had to destroy Athens ~Themistocles was the leader of Athens, he was very cocky and not many people liked him, but he was a great leader, he was known as the savior of his city ~ Themistocles believed that the Persians would attack again ~Athenians were defeated on land, but they had a very strong navy ~The boats they used were called trienes, they were also weapons for sea battle ~During 483 B

western civ day 27

- Greeks lied the foundation for western civilization - Their achievements are what shape the world today - Panamanian ruled the streets of Athens at one point - Cleisthenes had been brought up from birth to be a ruler and save Athens - He thought that orderly people should shape their own destiny and have their own freedom. - He was born around 570 BC and was born into one of the richest families in Greece - Cleisthenes grew up in a world of great privilege - Once before his grandfather did great thing for an old king - His family was very greedy, this started with ancestors - Cleisthenes was an aristocrat, once again very privileged - Greece used to be called Hellas - The city of Athens was built around the acropolis - Reading and writing was a rare skill for those Athenians - Life was very tough, it was not equal at all - Athens was turned against itself with the different politics holding power - The greatest civilizations in Cleisthenes day was based off of rivers

western civ day 26

Philosopherlapalooza- Socrates - looked to science and logic (not the mythological gods) for explanation of how the world worked - the Socratic method fostered critical thinking - "the unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates was charged with serious crimes             ~ impiety (disrespecting of the gods)             ~ corrupting the youth of Athens - at his trial, he described himself as a stinging gadfly, and Athens as a lazy old horse - did not deny what he had done; asked for free dinners - found guilty by an Athenian jury, and sentenced to death by drinking poison hemlock Plato Carries on - Plato was a student and follower of Socrates - he wrote out Socrates' teachings, and described his trial in Apology - Republic was Socrates' discussion of justice and the ideal state-one of the most influential books on philosophy ever written (it includes the Allegory of the cave)

western civ day 25

the fighting Spartans - Greeks were warlike people, especially the Spartans - Spartans were known for their tough, ruthless infantry: soliders who fought on land - Spartan boys trained from the time they were seven Athens- naval power - Athens had a great infantry too, but nothing could compare with their navy - their most efficient weapon was the trireme Trieme - a technological marvel - fastest ship in the world at the time - rowed by up to 170 men on three levels - could be used as a battering ram - agile, fast the Phalanx - Close-rank, dense grouping of warriors - armed with long spears and interlocking shields - Soliders would advance slowly toward the enemy, until they broke through their ranks Greek Army - Iron weapons: armed with spears, swords, shields - "home field" advantage - foot soldiers (hoplites) trained from an early age - fought in phalanx formation - motivated to preserve democracy Persian Army - f

western civ day 24

Gods and Goddesses - What is unique about the Greeks' relationship with their gods is the interaction with humans    ~ Poseidon (god of the sea) interfered with Odysseus trying to get home    ~ Aphrodite (goddess of love) had lovers of both Gods and men    ~ Dionysus (god of wine) was the son of Zeus (a god) and of Semele (a human princess) Zeus - ruler of heaven and earth; Father of Athena; god of the sky, weather, thunder, lighting, law, order, and justice Athena - Goddess of wisdom, skill, warfare (and peace), intelligence, battle strategy, and handicrafts. She was born from Zeus' head fully formed and armored. A special patron of heroes - such as Odysseus. She was the patron of Athens (the city was named after her)    - Apollo : god of music, arts, knowledge, healing              ~ Zeus was his father, Artemis was his twin sister              ~ his associated with the sun, his sister with the moon    - Poseidon : god of the sea, rivers, floods, earthquakes

western civ day 23

Democracy and Greece's Golden Age Pericles' Plan for Athens - Pericles led Athens during much of its Golden Age. He had 3 goals;  1. to strengthen Athenian democracy  2. to hold and strengthen the empire  3. to glorify Athens direct democracy : a form of government in which citizens rule classical art : values of harmony, order, balance and proportion tragedy : serious drama about common theme such as love, hate, war, or betrayal comedy : contained scenes filled with slapstick situations and crude humor Peloponnesian war : Athens had stronger navy, Sparta had a stronger army philosophers : a thinker; a lover of wisdom Socrates : critic of sophists Plato : student of Socrates Aristotle : philosopher who questioned the nature of the world and human belief Pericles Athens through the Golden Age. He also increased the amount of public officials for a stronger democracy and after the defeat of the Persians, Athens helped organize the Delian League. -Pericle