western civ day 25

the fighting Spartans
- Greeks were warlike people, especially the Spartans
- Spartans were known for their tough, ruthless infantry: soliders who fought on land
- Spartan boys trained from the time they were seven

Athens- naval power
- Athens had a great infantry too, but nothing could compare with their navy
- their most efficient weapon was the trireme

- a technological marvel
- fastest ship in the world at the time
- rowed by up to 170 men on three levels
- could be used as a battering ram
- agile, fast

the Phalanx
- Close-rank, dense grouping of warriors
- armed with long spears and interlocking shields
- Soliders would advance slowly toward the enemy, until they broke through their ranks

Greek Army
- Iron weapons: armed with spears, swords, shields
- "home field" advantage
- foot soldiers (hoplites) trained from an early age
- fought in phalanx formation
- motivated to preserve democracy

Persian Army
- first archers (do damage from a distance)
- huge numbers
- long way from home
- professional army
- cavalry (war on horseback)
- lighty armored infantry (carried spear, sword, and bow)

490 BC: Persian fleet attacks Marathon, but loses (Pheidippides ran to warn Athens)
480 BC: Xerxes (Daruis' son) conducts a massive assault on Athens
480 BC: Greeks (especially 300 Spartans) hold their own at Thermopylae
480 BC: Greeks abandon Athens to fight Persia at sea, winning Straits of Salamis- victorious Greeks form Delian League 


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