cyber day 2

Spartans invaded the farmland on Athens and starting burning all their crops, because of Pericles reputation he got the Athenians to stay with their plans to defeat Sparta. Athenians could rely on shipments from overseas and the fleet to survive. Pericles didn't know that the fleet was such a threat to Athens though. One year into the war the Black Plague hit Athens very bad. This disease hurt Athens greatly. Since all of Athens was behind city-walls, the disease spread very fast. The Symptoms of this disease were heats on head and inflammation of the eyes, and when the disease spread to the bowels, there was incontrollable diarrhea. The city was very dirty, smelly and just overall a gross place to be. It was so bad that people stopped caring about religion and laws. The plague ended up killing over a one-third of Athens population (millions of people). Pericles got the Plague, causing him to become very weak. He died from the plague in 429 B.C. After his death many people attempted to rule Athens, but without Pericles in rule the democracy was run very different. Athens was not able to fight the war like they used to with Pericles in rule. Athens navy was victorious at sea against Sparta, but the generals who fought in the war came home and were put into prison because they didn't save the men who were thrown over board off the ship.


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