cyber day 26

Dear My Future Self,

Freshmen was definitely one to remember. I had a great time, playing jv soccer was probably one of the best memories this year. I made so many new friends and made so many fun memories. Since I have never played a winter sport, I decided to try indoor track. It was a lot of fun and I definitely want to do it next year. After winter, I went right into spring sports. I made varsity lacrosse this year and I played in one game, but sadly the season got cut short due to COVID-19. I was really upset; I was looking forward to lacrosse the most. This has been a hard time for everyone and not being able to do the things I normally do is really hard. I haven’t been able to see my friends as often as I would like and going from seeing them everyday to not seeing them at all is hard, but I feel like I have dealt with everything pretty well. I have kept all my grades up and I have been doing all my work, even if I don’t really want to. I am hoping this summer everything is going to start to go back to normal, I have a good feeling it is because the world is already starting to open. I am really hoping that we will be able to go back to school in the fall. I would never have thought I would miss school this much, considering I am not a huge fan of school. But this year has probably been the best school year I have ever had. I am so lucky to have all of the good friends I do, and I am really hoping I get to make even better memories next year.  


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