cyber day 22

Economic Turmoil: As Rome grew that gap between rich and poor grew wider. Many of Rome's rich land owners lived on huge estates. Thousands of enslaved persons many of whom had been captured peoples in various wars were forced to work on these estates. By 100 B.C. enslaved persons formed perhaps 1/3 of Rome's population.

Civil War: Conflicts between groups within the same country
Julius Caesar: a military leader
triumvirate: a group of three leaders

Caesar's Reforms: Caesar governed as an absolute ruler, one who has total power. However, he started a number of reforms. He granted Roman citizenship to many people in the provinces. He expanded the senate, adding supporters from Italy and other regions. Caesar also helped the poor by creating jobs. He started colonies where people without land could own property, he increased pay for soldiers.

Pax Romana: This was Rome's time of peace after the dark ages

-The Romans held their vast empire together through efficient government and able rulers
- Agriculture was the most important industry in the empire
- Slavery was a significant part of Roman life
- The earliest Romans worshipped powerful spirits
Wealth and social status made a huge difference in the way people lived


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