cyber day 21

The Punic Wars (264 - 146 BCE)
Rome vs. Carthage
Three wars

First Punic War
(264 - 241 BCE)
- naval battles for control of the strategically located island of Sicily
- Rome wins this one Second Punic War (218 - 201 BCE) - 29-year-old Carthaginian general Hannibal almost does the impossible: taking Rome - attacks Rome from the North after crossing Iberia (Spain) and the Alps
- lays siege to much of the peninsula for 15 years, but he never can get to Rome Third Punic War (149-146 BCE) - Rome wanted to finally remove the threat of Carthage - Scipio, Tiberius Gracchus, and others mercilessly attacked the city - Carthage was burned for 17 days; the city’s walls and buildings were utterly destroyed - when the war ended, the last 50,000 people in the city were sold into slavery - the rest of Carthage’s territories were annexed, and made into the Roman province of Africa Other Information: - They both wanted power -


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