western civ day 2

The Fertile Crescent is the region's curved shape and the richness of its land. It also includes the lands facing the Mediterranean sea.

Mesopotamia is the land between the rivers.

A city-state is each city and the surrounding land it controlled formed a the city-state. It functions like an independent country does today.

Cultural Diffusion is when new ideas or a product spreads from one culture to another.

Polytheism is when someone believes in more then one god.

An empire brings together several peoples, nations or previously independent states under the control of one ruler.

Hammurabi created a single form of codes that would help unify the diverse group within his empire.

A dynasty is a series of rulers from a single family.

 3 Environmental Challenges:
     - Unpredictable flooding combined with a period of little or no rain, almost like a desert sometimes.
     - With no natural barriers for protection, a Sumerian village was nearly defenseless.
     - The natural resources of Sumer where limited. Building materials and other necessary items were scarce.


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