
Showing posts from January, 2020

western civ day 6

I was not in class today because I am sick.

western civ day 5

I was not at school on 1/29/20 because I have the flu.

western civ day 4

I was not in class today because I am sick.

western civ day 3

From Prehistory to Civilization Hunter/Gathers, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt The Origins and "Ages" of Human Beings - 200,000 years ago a human species emerged in equatorial (central) Africa - 14,000 years ago, "worldwide" human race existed - Earliest prehistoric age is the Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age) - Neolithic Age (New Stone Age) was marked by advanced tool making and beginnings of agriculture - Initially, humans were parts of migratory groups which hunted, fished, and gather plants for food The Agricultural Revolution - Also know as the Neolithic Revolution, this was a shift from it inherent hunting and gathering to more permanent settlements centered on agriculture/beginning in Southern Asia - Populations rose due to increased ability to produce a surplus of food; thus feed and caring for young children - Hierarchies appeared in village life; the status of women was lowered as women were confined more to domestic duties - Invention of wheel and

western civ day 2

The Fertile Crescent is the region's curved shape and the richness of its land. It also includes the lands facing the Mediterranean sea. Mesopotamia is the land between the rivers. A city-state is each city and the surrounding land it controlled formed a the city-state. It functions like an independent country does today. Cultural Diffusion is when new ideas or a product spreads from one culture to another. Polytheism is when someone believes in more then one god. An empire brings together several peoples, nations or previously independent states under the control of one ruler. Hammurabi created a single form of codes that would help unify the diverse group within his empire. A dynasty is a series of rulers from a single family.  3 Environmental Challenges:      - Unpredictable flooding combined with a period of little or no rain, almost like a desert sometimes.      - With no natural barriers for protection, a Sumerian village was nearly defenseless.    

western civ day 1

Today in class Mr. Schick gave us assigned seats and explained how this semester is going to work. He talked about how we are going to take notes the traditional way, in a notebook. Mr. Schick doesn't like students taking notes on the computer because he believes they are a distraction and writing notes by hand helps you to better remember the material. He said that we could only use a composition books because they are more durable and won't get destroyed like a spiral notebook would. Mr. Schick also explained that our blog post has to be 150-200 words and we can word it in whatever way makes sense to us. The reason we just don't turn in our notebooks is because looking at the information and writing it again helps us retain it, this will help us for tests and quizzes. We are also going to be using a textbook, this is different from Human Geography because we did not have a textbook for that course. The textbook is going to stay at school under our desks until we need them